Table of Contents


The Favorites Searcher was originally created by MegaMoo. Original forum post here Many additions were then added by UndertowTruck including wildcard, or, exclude, etc support for searches. The github repository for this project is at

Search Documentation


This section will describe how to use search commands to get the images you want.

There are 5 basic commands that are used by this search engine. They are the TAG, EXCLUDE, WILD, EXCLUDEWILD, and OR commands. Here is how to use each one.


The TAG command is a basic command. It is just a single word, and it requests that an image contain this word as a tag. If you want an image to contain multiple tags, create a bunch of tag commands and separate them with at least one space.

Example: dog red animal

This input requests that an image contains the tags "dog", "red", and "animal"


The EXCLUDE command is like the TAG command. It is also a single word. However, this word is prefixed with the "-" minus symbol. This command requests that an image NOT contain the tag.

Example: animal -dog

This input requests that the image contains animal, but not dog. If the picture contains animal and dog, then the picture is not included.


The WILD command is a wildcard command. It is a single word, but some of the characters are '*', which are spots where anything can go. This command requests that an image contain a tag that matches the wildcard pattern.

Example: fl* dog

This input requests images that contain dog and also contain floor or flood or fluffy or flat, etc.

Example: *and*

This input requests images that contain "and", or "candy", or "hand", or "andes", etc.


The EXCLUDEWILD command is a combination of the WILD and EXCLUDE commands. It is a word prefixed with "-" minus symbol, but also contains "*". This command requests that an image NOT contain a tag that matches the wildcard pattern.

Example: -fl* dog

This input requests that an image contain dog, but doesn't contain any of the tags floor, flat, flood, fluffy, flat, etc.


The OR command is a very complex command. It consists of a pair of parantheses with commands inside, all separated by the ~ symbol. There must be spaces between the ~ and the commands, and also there must be space between the commands and the parantheses.

INVALID: (dog~cat)

INVALID: ( dog~cat )

INVALID: ( dog~ cat )

VALID: ( dog ~ cat )

Additionally, if you want to use more than one or command, make sure they are separated by spaces.

INVALID: ( dog ~ cat )( red ~ blue ~ green )

VALID: ( dog ~ cat ) ( red ~ blue ~ green )

Note that prefixing an OR command with a "-" minus symbol does nothing. -( dog ~ cat ) means the same as ( dog ~ cat ).

This command requests that AT LEAST ONE of the commands contained in the or command is true.

Example: ( blu* ~ -big ~ -dog ~ kind ) log

This command requests that an image contains log, and that it also contains a tag matching blu* (like blue or bluer), or doesn't contain a tag matching big (like big or bigger), or doesn't contain dog, or contains kind.

Usage Notes

Since '*' is used to specify commands, requesting images with tags that contain these special characters is unlikely to work.

Any input is lowercased since all tags on this site are lowercase. So, "RaDi0" will be interpreted as "radi0".


Each image that is displayed will have these features

If advanced mode is active, there will also be a label underneath the image that displays data about the image, like its score

Failed Requests

When a request for a page or API data fails, it will show up in this box. You can hit the red retry button to retry the request. If it was successful, the button will turn green, and the failed request item will fade out. Otherwise, it will remain red

Importing and Exporting Posts

Exporting Posts

You can export post data into files, and import them into the app later. If you use this app regularly, this can help you save time because you no longer need to wait for all the posts to load in.

To export post data, you must first load in the posts you want to save. Only visible posts will be saved. Then, you can choose to remove any duplicate posts, which are posts with the same ID by clicking on the checkbox that says "Remove Duplicates".

Next to this checkbox, you can choose to "Keep First", which means that the first post is kept and its duplicates are destroyed. Or, you can choose to "Keep Last", which destroys all duplicates except the last post. Finally, you can hit the export button and save the posts data to a file.

Importing Posts

To import a post, simply click the import button. Then, choose the file with your data.

After you have chosen a file, you'll be asked whether you want to clear any posts being currently displayed to make room for the imported posts. By default, it will clear the display.

After the post is imported, it'll show up in a list with an X button by it. If you click the X button, the file's data will be removed from the app, and any posts from that file will be removed from the display.

Filtering Imported Posts

You can enter tags in the provided input space, and hit the filter button to filter imported posts by their tags. Note that this filters ONLY imported posts

Custom Requests

Custom requests let you get posts from a specific page from a specific user. Simply enter the necessary information, then hit the "Request Page" button.

You can also filter custom posts just like imported posts. However, the custom post filtering ONLY applies to custom posts.

Advanced Mode

Usually, the only extra data that posts contain are the post ID, the score, and the rating. However, when the advanced mode checkbox is checked, advanced mode will be enabled.

This means that when you hit the submit button, API data for each post will also be requested. The API data includes the image width, height, upload date, last update date, and deletion status.

The checkboxes titled "Explicit", "Questionable", and "Safe" determine what posts can be displayed based on the rating. You can uncheck a box to exclude posts with that rating. Then, hit the filter button to apply your preferences.

The dropdown by the text that says "Sort By" allows you to sort images by score, post ID, height, width, or last update date. Additionally, the checkbox next to it allows you to select whether you want to sort in ascending or descending order. Then, you can hit the sort button to apply the sort.

Finally, there is a dropdown that allows you to select what statistic to display. The statistic, such as score or post ID, will be displayed beneath the image in black text. If you don't use advanced mode to request all the data for a post, then not all statistics will be available to display.

Additional Info

API requests usually fail if the post was uploaded to Rule34 recently. The post's data likely hasn't been put into the API Database yet.

Page and API requests are cached for the session, so they won't reflect recent changes. You need to refresh the page if you favorite more posts.

If you find any bugs, please send UndertowTruck or MegaMoo a message through Rule34 mail or open an issue on the Github repository